1 Cup Pumpkin - wish magick, love magick, prosperity magick, lunar magick, fertility & feminine magick and protection when carved.
1 Cup Organic Sugar Cane - used in magick to sweeten things up. Did you know sugar can be burned like incense to sweeten someone's disposition towards you?
1/4 Cup Grapeseed Oil - Grape seed oil is also referred to as "the food of the gods." It supports spiritual development and makes a wonderful carrier oil for creating anointing oils.. Its neutrality makes it a powerful all purpose oil. It awaits an imprint and then amplifies the message and carries it to higher dimensions.
1 Egg - Fertility magick, Ovomancy (a form divination or scrying), banishing magick, wish magick, and include eggs in solar magick, as they can be used as a sun symbol.
2 Cups flour - (gluten-free is fine too!) Protection magick, prosperity magick & harmony magick.
2 Tsp baking powder - Banishing and protection magick, and cleansing rituals,
1 Tsp cinnamon - Healing magick, spirituality magick, success magick, prosperity magick, luck magick, love magick, protection magick, and adds energy to spells - "fast acting agent".
1/2 Tsp sea salt - Protection magick, can be used to transfer or transmute a spell to the higher powers and can be used to remove attachments and burdens from the aura.
1 Tsp baking soda - Spiritual cleansing and great for use in floor sweep magick. (These are popular in folk magic traditions. Cleansing herbs are added to baking soda, sprinkled over the floor and then swept or vacuumed away. )
1 Tsp milk - Protection, marriage spells, uncrossing spells, luck spells, and leave as offering to trickster spirits.
1 Tsp vanilla - Love and passion spells, used to enhance feelings of inner peace and comfort, prosperity and abundance spells. Can also be used to improve mental awareness. Combining vanilla with cinnamon make them an excellent choice for healing rituals.
1 Cup chocolate chips (or more - your choice) Money magick, passion magick, speed up spells with cocoa powder, used as offerings, luck magick, and spiritual magick.
Preheat oven to 375, spray cookie sheet with olive oil cooking spray
Mix pumpkin, sugar, oil, egg, milk, vanilla, and baking soda all together.
Combine flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt.
Mix both mixtures together by stirring
Add chocolate
Drop by teaspoons onto cookie sheet and bake 10 - 12 min
Let cool and Enjoy!