You can do several things with this sigil.
To activate it you must think about the phrase "I am safe."
Then draw it on your skin with moon-water, rosewater, or anointing oil.
You can also carve it into a white candle and meditate over it.
You can draw it on a piece of paper or in your Book of Shadows.
You can draw it on a piece of paper and add it to a Protection Jar Spell.
Think about and feel safe thoughts while drawing this powerful sigil.
Feel it's protective light embrace you.
You can use phrases like:
I am safe and secure at all times.
Everything is working out for my highest good.
I am safe in this world.
I have everything I need in this world. I am safe. I am protected. I am loved.
My body is safe and protected, now and always!
Myself and my family are always safe and protected.
I know I am safe and supported.