Couples Restorative Healing Journey
1.5 Hours Restorative Healing Journey
Service Description
It is said that true love never dies, it only gets stronger with time. After all, love is a powerful emotion that can overcome any obstacle. Couples who have been together for years can attest to this. They have seen each other through good times and bad, and their love has only grown stronger as a result. However, even the strongest relationships can be tested from time to time. Everyday stressors can take a toll on even the happiest of couples. That is why it is important to make time for restorative healing. Reiki, meditation and crystal bowls are all great ways to promote restorative healing in a relationship. Reiki is a healing technique that uses energy to promote balance and harmony in the body. Meditation can help to clear the mind and promote inner peace. Crystal bowls produce healing vibrations that can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. When used together, these modalities can help to promote a deep sense of peace and relaxation. They can also help to reduce stress, promote healing and foster a deeper connection with your partner.
Cancellation Policy
If you must cancel or rebook your appointment, I respectfully request at least a 24-hour notice. Cancellations or missed appointments without 24 hours notice will result in charge of part or all of the service amount. Thank you for understanding. Drop-in Meditations: If you have reserved your spot online and are a no show - no refund will be given.
Contact Details
Milford, New Hampshire, USA