Good Morning!
I just wanted to clear something up since I received a lot of emails and messages this morning.
You may have noticed some of the Forum threads and some of the Blog posts now say you need to subscribe. See sample image below.

I have a Coven with Memberships over on Patreon and I am currently in the process of letting go of Patreon and keeping every thing on one platform, which is HERE on my website. 😁
So, you will be seeing more blog posts & forum threads that say 'subscribe now' and in order to see this content you will need to become a member of Earth Spirit Coven.
I will continue to offer free stuff but anything that requires a subscription is a paid membership & for Coven Members only.
Anyone is able to join - there are different level memberships and depending on what you choose for a level will dictate what you can view and have access too.
Hope that clears up the concerns, questions and confusion.
Until next time... Live, Love, & Magick!

Owner & Creator of The Eclectic Green Witchery
Coven Leader - Earth Spirit Coven
Ohhhh, ok. I think I got it now. Thanks Laurie!
So, if I were to join, for example, the challenge for July over on the website, will it transfer in all of my steps thus far completed from here, or should I wait until the end of the month?