Laurie 'Silver-Bear'

Dec 18, 20204 min

In Other Words....MYOB

This article actually has nothing to do with witchcraft, but I felt compelled to share as I see this happening more and more. I felt this story has a good lesson attached to it and some food for thought.

I was prompted to write this because a good friend of mine recently had his name dragged through the ringer on Facebook by someone who did not have ALL the facts. By someone who was obviously having a complete shit-tastic day and decided to take it out on my friend. Someone who got so irate that they felt the need to post a picture of my friends car, with his license plate exposed and if that wasn't enough, he then continued to verbally berate him & his small business online in a few local community Facebook group.

So, let me point out...Mr. irate man, knew WHOS car it was and what business it belonged to and still chose to defame my friend online instead of having a simple conversation with him. Man to man. Face to Face. (6 feet apart of course) 😋

At the end of the day, when given a chance to explain, my friend came out the winner. He stayed calmed, explained what happened and why....although he didn't HAVE to justify anything to anyone, he felt he had no choice due to being a business owner in that town.

....and if you saw the comment LORT it was terrible.

Although, the original poster, who was semi-apologetic at best, quietly tucked tail, and took down the original post, but the damage had already been done with over 140 comments; some people even suggesting that he should have keyed the car.


If this person was so upset, and wanted the right thing to be done, why didn't he just call the police? Or go into the business and speak with the owner? Again, he KNEW who the car belonged too.

For the record... I have to say, my friend did nothing so wrong that warranted this reaction from Mr. irate man. My friend parked in a disabled parking spot, his parking was completely legit and legal...although admittedly a bit crooked. BUT -he forgot to hang the permit sign on the mirror, although the sign was sitting on the front seat of his car.

Facebook is a powerful platform that can be used for greatness, but it can also be used for evil. So many people are so worried about what others are doing and then feel this unequivocal need to post about it publicly on Facebook.

Why? (Serious question.) WHY?

What good does it do? Does it make the person posting feel better about themselves? Do they get some perverse joy from it? Do they feel powerful? What is it?! I seriously need to know the answer to this.... it's mind boggling!

Think about it; Person A sees something they don't like and becomes so enraged that they take a photo, write a scathing paragraph or two (from their perspective) and they hit post. Now, 100, 200, even 10,000 comments have appeared along with 9,000 shares. Yikes!

Now this person that was 'called out' either A - has no clue that they now have a lynch mob after them & their reputation is being destroyed with every passing second or B - it was brought to their attention and their reputation is being destroyed and all they can do is TRY to salvage it.

Maybe person A has even successfully ruined this person's small business! Especially if person A is posting in a local residents Facebook group! All this drama just because person A is a miserable cow to begin with.

YES -- if you do this, you are a miserable cow. IF that triggered you...ASK yourself WHY.

Check into Shadow Work if you are mad right now. Trust me, I've done this! I've BEEN the miserable cow. I am not saying I am perfect now. I STILL react before I think sometimes, but THIS whole article is to serve as a reminder to stop. Breathe. Think.

NOT everything is a crisis and not everyone needs to feel outraged...all...the...bloody...time.

Person A is literally judging, shaming & belittling another human being/situation while trying to rally support from the Facebook lynch mob; even if they don't have all the facts at hand. I call this behavior "fake justice".

AND you know what is sad? The Facebook 'herd' falls for it, hook, line and sinker every single time! All the keyboard warriors put their gloves on and are ready for the fight! They are ready for the virtual kill!

Without ALL facts present, using only what you 'think' you witnessed, you could effectively destroy someone's life with just a mere click of the mouse.

People need to worry more about themselves and what they are doing in this world rather than being so focused on what others are doing.

In other words mind your own business.

Before your type ask yourself:

1. Is it true or just my perspective?

2. Is it necessary?

3. Is it kind?

4. Does it improve the silence?

5. Who does it help?

The take away:

If you invested kindness and compassion towards all conditions in life first and choose happiness in lieu of judgement and ego; you'd be less inclined to become angered at trivial things that clearly are none of your business to begin with.

Strong, kind and compassionate people do not put others down. They lift others up.

And sorry, but WOMAN are the worst offenders - yes, I am a woman, and I admit this! lol.

Queens need to lift other Queens up! PERIOD!

Who will you lift up today? Will you use your internet powers for goodness or for drama?

Until next time - Live, Love, & Magick!

